Posted by sbhooley | July 23, 2019 | Code Breaker


In this episode titled “Code Breaker – Medici Mindset” you’ll learn about Steven Hooley’s unique perspective on life, and legacy inspired by the old Italian Medici Family. The Medici were and still are a powerful banking family that shaped the world as we know it. Their unique mindset allowed them to conquer lands, and acquire wealth far beyond money. Find out what Steven took away from their story, and how you can apply it to your life!

Posted by sbhooley | July 23, 2019 | Code Breaker

Code Breaker – How to Be Confident About Anything

Have you ever felt a lack of self worth, self image, and/or confidence in something?

What would life look like if you could truly be confident about anything?

In this episode titled “Code Breaker – How to Be Confident About Anything” you’ll learn about Steven Hooley’s unique perspective on confidence and how it differs from what most people believe. Hooley didn’t need to team up with a company like The Marketing Heaven to get more subscribers for his channel, the topic discussed in the video has itself found its way to interested viewers.

An Interesting Perspective on ‘the computer admin‘” you’ll learn how whether you know it or not, you have a fleet full of ships in your life. Sound interesting? Let Steven teach you about the importance of the “ships” in your life, and how they have a direct affect on your life. Changing this one thing, could change everything! Click here for more info


Code Breaker - An Interesting Perspective on Your "Ships"

In this episode titled “Code Breaker – An Interesting Perspective on ‘Your Ships’” you’ll learn how whether you know it or not, you have a fleet full of ships in your life. Sound interesting? Let Steven teach you about the importance of the “ships” in your life, and how they have a direct affect on your life. Changing this one thing, could change everything!

In this episode titled “Code Breaker – Medici Mindset” you’ll learn about Steven Hooley’s unique perspective on life, and legacy inspired by the old Italian Medici Family. The Medici were and still are a powerful banking family that shaped the world as we know it. Their unique mindset allowed them to conquer lands, and acquire wealth far beyond money. Find out what Steven took away from their story, and how you can apply it to your life!

If a database cluster went down for a government missile company? I was a guy that brought those back up. T-mobile/Other BIG telecom towers went down, and they didn’t know why? I was a guy who pulled together a team to figure out why, and we got them working again go to the website. Bank of Japan having issues with data storage? Again, I was a guy who got those issues taken care of behind the scenes. JP Morgan chase applications throwing errors? I was a guy who handled the high severity situations to resolve this. Are you looking more about 50 amp solid state relay, click here.

Now if you aren’t very versed with technology, you might not understand most of what I just said in the last paragraph. This is a more simple way to put it: I sat on conference calls with seo one click executives of the elite companies who run our world. I troubleshooted the problems of the multi-million and billion dollar systems that power our world, and I fixed their problems.

Posted by sbhooley | July 23, 2019 | Code Breaker

Code Breaker - If You Don't Sacrifice for What You Love, What You Love Will Become the Sacrifice

In this POWERFUL episode titled “Code Breaker – If You Don’t Sacrifice For What You Love, What You Love Will Become the Sacrifice” you’ll hear about the raw power of loss, sacrifice, and being prepared for the unimaginable.

In this episode titled “Code Breaker – Medici Mindset” you’ll learn about Steven Hooley’s unique perspective on life, and legacy inspired by the old Italian Medici Family. The Medici were and still are a powerful banking family that shaped the world as we know it. Their unique mindset allowed them to conquer lands, and acquire wealth far beyond money. Find out what Steven took away from their story, and how you can apply it to your life!

If a database cluster went down for a government missile company? I was a guy that brought those back up. T-mobile/Other BIG telecom towers went down, and they didn’t know why? I was a guy who pulled together a team to figure out why, and we got them working again. Bank of Japan having issues with data storage? Again, I was a guy who got those issues taken care of behind the scenes. JP Morgan chase applications throwing errors? I was a guy who handled the high severity situations to resolve this.

Now if you aren’t very versed with technology, you might not understand most of what I just said in the last paragraph. This is a more simple way to put it: I sat on conference calls with seo one click executives of the elite companies who run our world. I troubleshooted the problems of the multi-million and billion dollar systems that power our world, and I fixed their problems.

However, I didn’t just sit on the conference calls and fix their problems. I was fortunate enough to get to talk to them, absorb knowledge, and learn things from them. I gained a lot of experience in both problem solving, and a form of consulting for multi-million (even multi-billion) dollar companies english college. This also gave me a lot of exposure into megalithic finance companies, which is what peaked my interest to get into investing, trading, and ultimately starting my own trading consulting/educational company.

Posted by sbhooley | July 23, 2019 | Code Breaker

Code Breaker - Are Jobs/Careers Bad?

Many people will tell you that jobs are bad, and that you shouldn’t want one. Do you think that’s true? In this episode titled “Code Breaker- Are Jobs/Careers Bad?” you’ll hear about Steven Hooley’s perspective on having a job, and/or career. Steven will share with you his story about his amazing tech career including his involvement in building high-tech start-ups such as Fully-Verified, and what it taught him. If you’re looking for insight and a fresh new perspective on how to think about your job/career then don’t miss this video, see more here !